
Scars, that mark you for lifetime and beyond, embedded in you, more faithful than your shadow!

Scars, not only the ones which mark your skin, but the ones which mark your soul!

Scars, which shape your existence, your destiny, your complex mind!

Oh, those beautiful scars, engraving your existence!


You carry it so beautifully
A flawed skin they say
Marked with ghostly lines and shadows
An epitome of imperfection
The radiance you emit
Illuminates the darkest of darkness
Like rays of sunlight
Struggling to penetrate the dense forest
The shield so strong you’ve built
Cascading it all
The mockery,
Words of attack that seem harmless,
To the eyes of a commoner
The resentment,
And the silent hostility
Trying to burn you alive.
They admire your boldness
They bicker about your naivety
They sympathise with you;
Your scars, your bleak life
They give you little than a glance
But you carry it all
Like bejewelled gems
Of your thorny crown
They often wonder,
Some even amused
“How you carry your nasty scars
Like a priced possession?”
To that you smile and reply,
“Isn’t everyone a little flawed
In this flawed,
Oh! so flawed


Author: wordsofacommoner18

Well, like every other commoner who bottles their thought to the chambers of their insides, here I am, another commoner!

3 thoughts on “Scars!”

  1. You write really well. Spoke about how to look at scars. Keep writing.

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